by DNH (BD) | Apr 8, 2022 | Real Estate
Residential Tenancy Act: A Curse or A Blessing? In recent years, many have pushed for a piece of legislation that would govern conflicts arising out of residential tenancy agreements. The demand for this became even more prominent when the COVID-19 pandemic hit...
by Donovan & Ho (BD) | Feb 23, 2022 | Real Estate
The process of purchasing a property can be rather daunting as the contents of the offer letter is the first legal document you’ll need to sign. It therefore plays a crucial role in determining the overall framework and success of your transaction. Hence this article...
by Donovan & Ho (BD) | Jan 19, 2022 | Real Estate
We often receive queries from individuals where a property was jointly purchased with loved ones or business associates, or even with an ‘ex’ and subsequently, one party wishes to transfer their portion of the property so there will now be just one owner. Another...
by Donovan & Ho (BD) | Aug 20, 2021 | Real Estate
Differences between buying an Auction Property vs Secondary Market Property (Sub-sale) in Malaysia When purchasing a residential property, the common question that comes to mind is, “Do I buy a new property from a developer, from the secondary market, or an auctioned...
by Donovan & Ho (BD) | Apr 8, 2021 | Corporate and Commercial, Real Estate
We have explored certain considerations from a buyer’s and seller’s perspective in the sale of an industrial factory / warehouse in Part 1. In summary, a company can choose to either sell the shares of the company along with the industrial property, or to sell the...
by Donovan & Ho (BD) | Apr 7, 2021 | Corporate and Commercial, Real Estate
This is a case study of a Malaysian company that was in business for 30 years. It purchased an industrial property 5 years into the business for its own use. The value of the industrial property appreciated almost 400% over the years. The company now wishes to dispose...