As we usher in the New Year and bid farewell to the old one, it’s only fitting that we look back at the year that was and share what were some of our most popular articles.

Here are the top 10 most viewed articles of 2019 on our website:

No. 10: Case Spotlight: Conflict of Interest in Employment

All too often we come across instances where we know of certain employees who engage the services of vendors for their employers, but then also have a vested interest with the said vendors.  We wrote about a case where one such conflict of interest led to an unfair dismissal claim and, what the Courts subsequently ruled.

No. 9: Buying a Business in Malaysia: Tips from a Corporate Lawyer

If you are planning to acquire or buy a business in Malaysia, you may find the following article useful as a guide on what points you need to consider and address as part of your negotiation with the seller.

No. 8:  Secondment of Employees: What you should know

This article proved to be popular partly because not many are aware what a secondment is and, what are the subsequent employment rights they may or may not have.  We have seen clients use the word “secondment” interchangeably with “transfer”, although there are legal distinctions between the two. To know how they differ, refresh your memory with a quick read through our article.

No. 7: Proposed Amendments to the Employment Act

We wrote this article to summarise the proposed amendments to the Employment Act 1955, when they were first released by the Ministry during the public consultation stage. With #Budget2020 highlighting improved benefits and rights for employees, it is not surprising that many of our viewers have been looking to see what were the amendments proposed by the Ministry back in 2018.

No. 6: Amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967

The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Bill 2019 was passed by Parliament in December 2019. The amendments bring about important changes to the industrial relations landscape in Malaysia. To know more about what these changes are, this article helps shed some light and gives an idea of what to expect once the amendments come into force.

No. 5: Selling a Malaysian Business: Share Sale vs Asset Sale

Where our earlier article in this list featured useful tips for a buyer, this article is written from the point of view of a seller, focusing on the two ways commonly used to sell a business in Malaysia, via either a “share sale” or an “asset sale”. As both ways has its own risks and costs, it is always good to have the necessary knowledge on hand before entering into a transaction.

No. 4: Top 5 Employment Law Issues of 2019

The irony of having a collection of articles appear in a Top 10 most read article list is not lost on us.  A lot of you were curious to know what were the top employment law issues in Malaysia in 2019.

No. 3: Budget 2020: Key Employment & HR Highlights

When Budget 2020 was recently announced, we provided a quick guide to highlight some key employment and HR issues to look out, particularly for those running businesses.

No. 2: Employees who resign without notice

We had many employers inquiring about what can be done about an employee who suddenly quits and disappears thereafter. This article gives some insight into this common employment issue of employees resigning with “immediate effect” and the impact it has on the employer.

No. 1: Case Spotlight: Quitting your Company’s WhatsApp Group

In this day of instant messaging and the ever-present group chats, we wrote about a Court decision which involved an employee who was dismissed for, among other things, quitting the company’s WhatsApp group without permission.  It’s not surprising to see this article at the top of our list, given that it went viral when it was first published.

Do check our website regularly for updates and articles, or subscribe to our newsletter by keying in your details in the subscription box on this page.  Additionally, please feel free to share our articles.


This summary was put together by Lorrine Xavier, the firm’s Business Development Manager.  Have a question? Contact us

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